Ik snap mensen zoals Le Pen en Dieudonné niet.
Dat Jean-Marie Le Pen een racist is in de ware zin van het woord, dus gebaseerd op de huidskleur, kan men zeker en vast niet zeggen.
Dat hij antisemiet is zeker en vast wel.
Je zou toch mogen denken dat iemand die al een veroordeling opliep van om en bij de 200.000 euro omdat hij de Holocaust als een ‘detail’ in de geschiedenis van WOII vindt, wel iets slimmer zou zijn geworden. Maar nee, hij zei het gisteren nog maar eens. Hij is zoals zoveel Europeanen in feite afgunstig op de joden en vooral slecht ingelicht over hun geschiedenis.
Maar een racist is Le Pen niet. Toch niet in de zin van het woord. Want hij heeft meerdere gekleurde leden in zijn partij en zijn grootste fan is de Franse ‘zwarte’ komiek Dieudonné die naar de Europese verkiezingen van 7 juni trekt met een anti-Zionistische partij. De liefde is blijkbaar wederzijds, want Jean-Marie Le Pen is peter van zijn dochter. Dieudonné M'Bala M'Bala werd in 1966 geboren in een Parijse voorstad. Zijn moeder is Frans en zijn vader Kameroenees.
Dieudonné M'Bala M'Bala stond al langer bekend als antisemiet nadat hij tijdens één van zijn optredens de negationist, Robert Faurisson, uitnodigde op het podium. Dieudonné werd in Frankrijk al veroordeeld voor uitspraken over de Shoah en de Joden.
Wat bezielt die mensen toch? Hoe kan je nu de moord op miljoenen mensen afdoen als een detail in de geschiedenis van WOII of beweren dat het allemaal gelogen is, terwijl er nog overlevenden uit de hel van Auschwitz rondlopen die kunnen getuigen wat ze daar hebben meegemaakt. Hoe kan je zeggen dat het maar een detail in de geschiedenis van WOII is, wanneer er zoveel bewijzen zijn dat het allemaal echt is gebeurd. Foto’s, filmmateriaal, de ontdekking van de kampen door de geallieerden, waar ook mijn oom bij was? Bewijzen die aantonen dat het helemaal geen detail, maar een weloverwogen plan was waarbij gestreefd werd naar de totale uitroeiing van een volk? Waarom wordt er nooit verteld dat het in 1349 ook al eens is gebeurd in Europa, nadat de pest was uitgebroken en men de joden beschuldigde dat zij het drinkwater hadden vergiftigd? Toen werden ze twintig jaar lang vervolgd en uitgemoord over heel Europa.
"De kiezers hebben het recht om te kunnen stemmen op een anti-Zionistische partij die zonder schroom uitkomt voor haar standpunten", aldus Dieudonné. “Het Zionisme streeft naar een zuivere Joodse staat in Israël.”
Ja? Zelfs indien het zou kloppen, maar het klopt niet…en dan? Streeft men in moslimlanden ook niet naar een ‘zuiver’ islamitisch volk? In tegenstelling tot Israël, waar nog 1,4 miljoen Arabieren wonen, worden andersgelovigen in moslimlanden vervolgd en vermoord. Zouden al diegenen die het altijd op Israël hebben gemunt, en dat is in Europa dan vooral links, niet beter daaraan denken? De Kopten in Egypte (The Rubbish people), de intelligentsia in Iran, de tegenstanders van een islamitische staat in Turkije, om er maar enkele te noemen.
Dat iemand wordt veroordeeld om zijn gedachtegoed keur ik af, zeker wanneer de president van Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad net hetzelfde zegt onder het goedkeurend oog van Europa. Je kunt niemand van gedachten doen veranderen door ze te veroordelen, je kunt het wel door ze te laten praten met mensen die het kunnen weten, of die het hebben meegemaakt.
Toen Dieudonné in Sint-Joost aankondigde zelf in de politiek te stappen, om een"culturele oorlog" te starten tegen de heersende partijen zei hij dat hij zichzelf en een deel van de bevolking beschouwt als "slaven van het Zionistische systeem".
Ik weet één ding. We zijn geen slaven van het Zionistische systeem, we zouden hier in Europa blij moeten zijn dat ze er zijn en de regio in het Midden-Oosten onder controle houden. Als we hier dan al slaven moeten zoeken, dan zijn diegenen die werken de slaven van al diegenen die profiteren en dat zijn zeker niet de joden.
Voor de politiebewaking bij het ‘optreden’ van Dieudonné in Sint-Joost zal de uitbater van de zaal ‘Le Marignan’ nu zelf de politiekosten moeten betalen.
De beslissing werd donderdagochtend genomen door het college van de politiezone Brussel-Noord, op basis van een artikel van het politiereglement uit mei 2003. De factuur voor het inzetten van een 80-tal agenten (voor amper 70 vreedzaam protesterende mensen) zou meer dan 25.000 euro bedragen.
Was dat dan nodig? Ik heb hier nog nooit een jood weten protesteren met geweld zoals andere gemeenschappen wel doen waar we minder gemakkelijk kunnen mee samen leven.
De joden van holland...
Jaap van Donselaar Anne Frank Foundation Ronnie Naftaniel
CIDI & Monitor Extreem Rechts
The Multicultural 'Crisis Management' organization COT lead by the Zionist Jew Uriel Rosenthal, promotes the Engagement School which uses Jewish symbols as it's logo. The organization teaches multiculturalism. This is an extremely large organization, active in Austria as well. Above: Screenshot from 2005 Dutch webpage. Article 14 June 2008: Village kids get multicultural lessons
Ronald Eissens
MDI Suzette Bronkhorst
Uriel - Uri - Rosenthal
Uriel Rosenthal
COT - Crisis Onderzoek Team Peter R. Rodrigues
CIDI & Monitor Racism and Extremism
'Engagement School' Logo's
Job Cohen
Mayor Amsterdam Tineke Huizinga Heringa - Goyim
Mayor Job Cohen, Moustapha Baba and Hicham Daarif during a press conference.
Jewish Morroccan network launched, It's purpose is to counteract expressions of anti-Semitism, islamophobia or other forms of discrimination. Source
While ordinary white people are the main victims of the everyday Morroccan / muslim violence, they are only referred to with the words 'other forms of discrimination'. The purpose is clear: the criminal behaviour of muslim youth against whites and Jews is to be exploited by this Jewish / muslim coalition to stop further resistance to the multicultural agenda.
A few months later Fortuyn was dead
Brieuc-Yves (Mellouki) Cadat Jewish Moroccan Brieuc-Yves (Mellouki) Cadat Jewish Moroccan
Brieuc-Yves (Mellouki) Cadat Ed van Thijn
Paul Velleman, Prosecutor - National Expertise Center against Discrimination (LECD)
Paul Velleman
Prosecutor - LECD Ernst Hirsch Ballin
Justice Minister
In Holland Jewish organizations such as the Anne Frank Foundation president; Jaap van Donselaar (who was / is supposedly on the payroll of the BVD [now AIVD; secret police]) the CIDI (Center for Information and Documentation about Israel); president Ronald Maurice [Ronnie] Naftaniel work very closely together with so called antiracist organizations, such as the MDI (Meldpunt Discriminatie Internet), Stichting Magenta (has ties to the Jewish Free Mason organization B'nai B'rith [Hebrew for for 'Sons of the Covenant']) and 'Monitor Extreem Rechts' (Monitor Extreme Right) to the extent that the same people are active in different organizations.
The MDI ('Dutch Complaints Bureau for Discrimination on the Internet', is similar to the Danish CRI / DRC but mainly concerned with the Internet) is one of the most hated institutions among multicult adversaries. MDI is part of Stichting Magenta (Magenta Foundation) boasts about being cofounders of International Network Against Cyber Hate.
The MDI is supported and partly financed by the Justice department and cooperates with the 'Centrale Recherche Informatiedienst', (Central Police Information Agency) a department of the Dutch police force.
MDI was led for many years by Ronald Eissens (Jewish - supposedly recently replaced by his non Jewish spouse Suzette Bronkhorst current director Niels van Tamelen) and has close ties to the violent left wing extremist organizations Kafka and AFA (Anti-Fascistische Aktie / Anti Fascist Action).
Kafka's home page was registered in Eissens', name. Suzette Bronkhorst is also connected with the international pro censorship lobby organization International Network Against Cyber Hate, (INACH) and ICARE, and is a former spokeswoman of Magenta. Ronald Eissens is also behind the websites icare.to (Internet Centre Anti Racism Europe) and auschwitz.nl.
Jessica Silversmith (married to an American Jewish person and former member of the left wing Chili Committee) since 1996 director for the STASI Center Meldpunt Discriminatie Amsterdam (MDA - Report Discrimination in Amsterdam)
The MDI is also known by the names 'Internet-Gestapo' and Gedapo (aka Gestapo) in Dutch 'Gedachten Politie' in English the 'Thought Police'.
Ronald Eissens has supplied AFA publications with articles as well as financial support, which means government funds have been used to support a violent left wing organization. The AFA connected Ronald Eissens taught Internet courses to the Dutch police!
MDI has been criticized in the past for being more active when Jewish sentiments were involved, (as opposed to muslim sentiments) than ought to be the case according to the organisations general purpose statement. Over all it is safe to say that the institutions and organizations mentioned above to a large extent involve the same people.
Some of the mentioned organizations are openly Jewish, some pretend to be 'neutral' fighters against racism, discrimination etc. Some of them are overtly Zionist, but all together, including the Marxist connections, basicly support the Zionist cause, at least in the area's in which they cooperate. Many Jews, Jewish and Zionist institutions, probably many more than I have mentioned, are clearly involved.
Recently a complaint from the MDI was the reason that the website sioenederland.wordpress.com from the Dutch department of the anti-islamic organization SIOE was shut down for some days.
With the constellation Stichting Magenta and MDI we see a Jewish organisation, which is policing the Internet supported by government funds!
The murder of Pim Fortuyn and the Zionist 'anti-racist' organization Magenta/Meldpunt Discriminatie (MDI); Jewish / Moroccan Brieuc-Yves Cadat
A few months before Pim Fortuyn was murdered by left wing extremist / 'animal rights activist' Volkert van der Graaf (and accomplices which have never been caught) everywhere in Holland posters appeared, showing Fortuyn with a Hitler mustache, and a red arrow pointing at his forehead. It's caption said 'Stop the Dutch Haider'). These posters were spread through an organization which employed the website 'pasopnederland.nl' (take care of Holland). The domain name was registered to the Jewish, French / Moroccan Zionist Brieuc-Yves (Mellouki) Cadat.
Brieuc-Yves (Mellouki) Cadat was one of the most important members of the Magenta/MDI organization, which is financed by the justice and interior ministries. Cadat together with other members of the MDI organization was present at the Durban conference held in Durban, South Africa in 2001.
Amsterdam's Jewish Mayor Job Cohen
Amsterdams Jewish Mayor Job Cohen is infamous for his large number of anti National actions and initiatives.
He legislated against the traditional flagging with Dutch flags seen often on the facade of hotels and shops in certain busy streets / canals in Amsterdam ('nationalism').
Under his reign a WWII monument for Dutch resistance fighters, which had a Christian Cross was removed from a neighbourhood, because the Cross supposedly was offensive to muslims and Jews. On several occations he and his staff tried to keep the lid on cases involving immigrant rapes and violence against native Dutch.
After the murder of Theo van Gogh he acted biased against mourners protestors and denied his political opponents use of the inner city, while him self was organizing dhimmie events with him self on centre stage in stead. Theo van Gogh’s parents condemned the Jewish mayor in no uncertain terms.
Apart from taking care of immigrant rights in Amsterdam, he was involved in humanitarian activities in Africa, and personally promoting the Gay Parade in Moscow, not respecting reservations of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Job Cohen is president of the Jewish Morroccan Network (Joods Marokkaaans Netwerk), an organization for cooperation between Jewish and Moroccan Immigrants. Since WWII almost all mayors of Amsterdam were Jewish.
RADAR, another of the numerous anti-racist organizations was founded by Aron Isidoor Abram (born in 1937)
Justice Minister and prosecutor...
Hollands justice minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin (Christian Democrat [CDA]) earned 'fame' recently for his support of the prosecution of Dutch (islam critical) Cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot who was arrested by a 10 man swat team. Danish
MDI was instrumental in delivering the complaint about Gregorius Nekschot to the Justice department.
The case was initiated by District Attorney Paul Velleman who was criticised because Paul Velleman also is president of the LECD (National Expertise Center against Discrimination).
Ernst Hirsch Ballin has proposed stricter anti blasphemy laws, described by free speech activists as 'Christian Sharia'.
Hirsch Ballin and Velleman are both of Jewish descent. Hirsch Ballin has converted to Catholism, which seems to be 'the thing to do' for Jews these days.
A person by the name of Jan Velleman is spokesman of the European Police Association. No information about family connections to the afore named Paul Velleman.
The Zionist Jew Uriel (Uri) Rosenthal is an academic with many different positions in various organizations, one of them 'COT' a so called Crisis Management (advisory) Organization as well as a politician MP Conservative Party (VVD). COT appears as some kind of 'task force' wherever the organization deems it neccesary, like riots, multicultural clashes and it also acted during the mysterious EL-AL (Israeli Airlines) plane crash in Amsterdam. (the mysterious nature of the cargo was never disclosed)
Although a private organization, the organization enjoys preferential treatment from various government institutions, and acts as an official authority. Rosenthal supposedly gained this priviliged position for this task force, with the help of Ed van Thijn, a former Mayor of Amsterdan (Jewish and Zionist).
Uri Rosenthal was criticized for mixing the private supposedly advisory organization COT with direct action and official functions (resembling the Velleman case) and by the (financial) auditor's office for obscure dealings with government funds and property. Just like many of the Jewish organizations mentioned in the beginng of this article, this organization which is active in a many areas and manages to act with an authority as it were an 'official government institution'.
The special laws against 'holocaust denial' which were passed in the Netherlands only some years ago, were proposed by amongst others Tineke Huizinga Heringa (none Jewish State Secretary for Transport, Public Works and Water Management) and her Christian Union (CU - Christen Unie) a small fundamentalist Christian party. As of december 2008 the Christian Union again agitates for more thought control with a new proposal to ban free speech in relation to 'denial of genocide'.
Informative links about MDI, Eissens, Cadat etc. - Ken uw Vijand - Wie of wat is het MDI?
Het Vrije Volk 12 December 2008 - Van Donselaar en het misbruik van de wetenschap (Jaap van Donselaar and the abuse of science)
Straf ontkennen van genocide 12 December 2008 - Ayaan Hirsi Ali blog (Proposal Christian Union; Punish genocide denial)
Antiantifanet - 'Antiracisme' professor Jaap van Donselaar
NIS December 11, 2008 - Anne Frank Foundation & Jaap van Donselaar - Wilders is Extreme Right
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